Developed high-performance chemical materials through years of technology, which can meet various high-performance and composite needs.

Home Products Rare Earth Products

Rare Earth Products

Developed high-performance chemical materials through years of technology, which can meet various high-performance and composite needs.

Developed high-performance chemical materials through years of technology, which can meet various high-performance and composite needs.

Precision polishing powder

Frequently used in polish high-precision optical glass.

Cerium oxide polishing powder

Frequently used in polish industrial products.

CMP polishing liquid

Frequently used in polish semiconductor.

TFT thinning powder

Frequently used in polish panel displays.

Rare Earth Polishing Materials

Frequently used in polish optical glass.

Optical polishing

Frequently used in polish optical glass.
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Cerox® 2610

High-performance polishing for polishing wheels, lenses, crystals, and more

Cerox® 2610 is a classic traditional polishing powder product, which is mainly used for polishing in traditional fields such as polishing wheels, lenses, crystals, optics, etc. The product has moderate particle size, high cutting rate and wide adaptability.

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