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Legendtek's corporate philosophy is a statement of what kind of company we want to be, what our corporate image should be in this generation, and how we should think and act as a Legendtek employee in order to establish this image. This is the basis of all the information that Legendtek will publish to the public in the future, as well as the psychological preparation and behavior of all Legendtek employees.

Legendtek's corporate philosophy system consists of four parts: corporate philosophy, management attitude, external communication, and internal slogan.


We will do our utmost to contribute to a comfortable and safe society. We will strengthen solidarity and cooperation among nations and people through our global business development while preserving the global environment.


  1. We provide the best solutions for our customers with our world-leading technology and dedication.
    While further strengthening basic technologies and basic products, we will lead the world through research and development of new products incorporating new technologies, and actively provide solutions to customers.
  2. Respect the individuality of each employee and explore their potential.
    Foster a corporate culture where employees can take pride in challenge, innovation and self-actualization.
  3. Lead the way with a flexible and energetic corporate culture.
    We are not confined to the status quo, we are ahead of the times, and we are flexible in dealing with challenges.
  4. Employee behavior with a sense of mission to the region.
    Through activities rooted in the local community, we integrate harmoniously into the local community and do our best to contribute to its prosperity.
  5. Develop global management.
    Based on the idea of global awareness, we develop research, production and sales on a global scale, understand the differences between regions, and actively communicate.


  • "MOTION" It includes five meanings, namely, flexibility, smoothness, tenacity, flexibility, high technical level, and at the same time, "Motion" also symbolizes the posture of the company and its employees.
  • "CONTROL" It is a gesture of pursuing the corporate goal and mission of continuous value creation, growth and contribution. This is the appropriate image of Legendtek’s to the customers and the society as a whole, and it is also the promotional phrase of Legendtek’s to arouse the goodwill and the feeling of the society.
「 MOTION & CONTROL 」是 Legendtek 的理念、活動領域及企業形象目標的歸納總結。


Beyond Limits, Beyond Today
"Limits" not only refers to the limits of ourselves or individuals, but also to the limits of our company, industry, region and country. Therefore, we must not only transcend each individual's limits, but also transcend the status quo and create the future of Legendtek with a spirit of self-innovation that is not bound by existing concepts.
  • Beyond Frontiers
  • Beyond Individuals
  • Beyond Imagination
  • Beyond Perceptions
  • Challenging the Future
These slogans are the daily action guidelines for each of our employees to realize our corporate philosophy. The purpose is to motivate ourselves, to bring in new people, and to use each of them flexibly in the construction of an organizational culture where we can realize ourselves.
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